Living Journal

Sort of like a weblog, except that the reader can comment only via email, and I reserve the right to go back and edit previous entries to better express what I meant to say. I’ll try to update this once a week, but I doubt that will happen routinely.

Disclaimer: The point is to exercise my writing and examine my thinking, so things will undergo revision. I’ll generally try to indicate when something is revised, and I’ll also try to include the older text. However, this is all maintained by hand, because I’m crazy, so I don’t guarantee anything beyond the fact that I wrote everything here at one point. Though, given the existence of hackers, I’m not even sure I can guarantee that!

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Most recent version Earlier versions Title Category
2 Mar 2024 More C++ type promotion carelessness Computers, C++ bashing
4 May 2024 To be deep in history is to cease to be Catholic Protestant Christian Self-Righteous? Religion, Communion Anniversary
4 Apr 2024 The real root of increasing income inequality Mathematics, Comedy
3 Mar 2024 Christ crucified Religion, Communion Anniversary
2 Mar 2024 C++ type promotion carelessness Computers, C++ bashing
25 Feb 2024 There is no fear in love Religion, Communion Anniversary
18 Feb 2024 4 Feb 2024 Signs Religion, Communion Anniversary
19 Jan 2024 C++ std::visit carelessness Computers, C++ bashing
16 aug 2022
(but not uploaded
until 14 Jan 2024)
Starting with GtkAda Computers
14 Jan 2024 God is Love Religion, Communion Anniversary
11 Nov 2023 2018 Advent of Code, Day 23 Computers, Diary, Mathematics
15 May 2023 C++ struct carelessness Computers, C++ bashing
7 May 2023 Cicciariello’s kiss Folk tales of Gaeta
4 March 2023 One year after leaving Diary
20 June 2022 My little corner of the world Epistulæ
11 June 2022 Thrice praised be God Religion
11 June 2022 The Great Smokey Mountains Diary, Epistulæ
23 May 2022 Borrowing in Rust Computers
20 May 2022 19 May 2022 A first Rust macro Computers, Diary
22 May 2022 19 November 2021 Ada, SPARK, and Mathematics Computers, Diary
23 October 2021 Creativity, the lost art “Humor”
27 September 2021 A problem with Two-Factor Authentication Computers, Security
8 September 2021 Bishop Barron on Jairus and the Widow Literature
8 September 2021 5 September 2021 Lies, damn lies, and statistics: Transubstantiation Edition Religion, Mathematics
15 August 2021 Literature’s Mirror Literature
8 August 2021 Mary and Zechariah Religion
20 July 2021 Mailer daemons? “Humor”, Computers
18 July 2021 Everything you need to know about life, you can learn from Italian card games “Humor”, Italy
5 July 2021 The Trackers in our Systems Computers, “Humor”
2 July 2021 The Advent of Code in Ada Computers, Diary
27 June 2021 St. Agatha’s Prayer Religion
27 June 2021 St. Agnes’ Prayer Religion
17 June 2021 “Losing Christ” Religion, “Humor”
13 June 2021 9 June 2021 Easter’s origin Religion, Apologetics
9 June 2021 I demand a refund (fortune cookie edition) “Humor”
17 May 2021 Junk Society Culture
7 May 2023 1 January 2021 Dune Literature
1 January 2021 Salutatorian’s address, Warwick High School, Class of 1989 Diary
7 November 2020 Losing weight Diary