The art and deceptions by which the demon keeps
bound those who,
aware of their wickedness, would like to free themselves.
Why our resolutions often have no effect.
Those who are already aware of the corrupt life that they lead, and who
would like to change it, are usually deceived and conquered once the
demon employs the following weapons:
later; tomorrow, tomorrow as the crow cries.
"I want first to resolve this matter and free myself from this
foolishness; then I can dedicate myself with greater calm to the
spiritual life."
This snare has taken in many; even now, it takes in more. Its cause is
our negligence and our ineptitude. In an matter that regards the
salvation of the soul and the honor of God, we should readily take up
that very powerful weapon:
now, now!
And why later?
Today, today!
And why tomorrow, saying to oneself:
when will later
and tomorrow
be granted me? How can this be the road
to salvation and victory: first to desire wounding and the provocation
of new disorders?"
Beloved daughter: you must see that, if you are to fly this deception
as well as that of the previous chapter, and if you are to defeat the
enemy, you must give prompt obedience to divine thoughts and
inspirations. I speak of
and not of
resolution, since
this often comes weakly, and for various reasons many of our
resolutions remain deceived.