The Spiritual Combat

Chapter 28:

The tactics and deceits the demon employs
with those whom he holds in the slavery of sin.

When he holds someone in the slavery of sin, the demon has no other goal than to blind him all the more and to remove him from whatever thought may lead him to an awareness of his miserable life. Nor does the demon content himself merely by directing him away from thoughts and inspirations that would call him to conversion, but with ready and diligent promptness the demon occasions a fall into the same sin or even into greater ones. For this reason the blindness grows thicker and darker; the victim comes to plunge all the deeper into sin and accustoms himself to it. His miserable life flows as if in a vicious circle until his death, unless God should supply him with his grace.

The remedy for this, as far as we are concerned, is that if someone should discover himself in this desperate state, he should make room for reflection and for the inspirations that call him from the shadows towards the light. He must cry with all his heart to his Creator: "My Lord, help me! help me quickly, and do not leave me any longer in these shadows of sin!" Nor must he give up repeating this or something similar, shouting it many times.

If possible, he should hasten quickly to a spiritual father, to seek help and advice on freeing oneself from the enemy. If it will be some time before he can go, he must make promptly for a crucifix, throwing himself before its sacred feet with his face to the ground; he should also hurry to the Virgin Mary, asking for pity and help. He must realize that victory stands on this promptness, as the next chapter will help you understand.

"the blindness grows thicker and darker": Literally, diventando più folta e cieca la sua cecità, "the blindness growing thicker and more blind."

"hasten quickly": Literally, corra subito subito, "he should run quickly quickly." Italian sometimes uses the repetition of an adverb or adjective to heighten the effect.

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