Rings for MAT 685
Mathematical ring implementation to demonstrate templates and inheritance
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCommutative_Ring_ElementElements of this type should have commutative multiplication
 CField_ElementField is an integral domain whose nonzero elements have inverses
 CIntegerEncapsulates integers under the Ring_Element rubric
 CIntegral_Domain_ElementElements of this type should be cancellable; there should be no zero divisors
 CModTemplated modular arithmetic, making no assumption about the modulus
 CModpTemplated modular arithmetic, modulo a prime \(p\)
 CPolynomialDense univariate polynomial, templated according to the coefficient’s type
 CRationalType for rational numbers
 CRing_ElementClass for elements with the capabilities of ring arithmetic