MAT 603-01 Tentative Schedule

Highlighted topic is coming up soon.

Date Planned

Date Actual Topic
We will review groups as it becomes necessary, but you may want to study Chapter 3 of Applied Abstract Algebra on your own.
Week 1Weeks 1-2Syllabus. Ch. 4: Coding Theory, § 16 (Introduction to Coding Theory). The idea of Coding Theory. A discussion of Finite Fields. The Hamming distance and various bounds.
Weeks 2-3Weeks 2-5Ch. 4: Coding Theory, § 17 (Linear Codes). The parity check and generator matrices. A refresher on Cosets of Subgroups. Decoding, correcting errors. Bounds on the size of a linear code.
Weeks 3-4Alas.Ch. 4: Coding Theory, § 18 (Cyclic Codes). A discussion of polynomial rings, especially Ideals and Quotient rings. Criterion for a code to be cyclic. Generator and check polynomials. A discussion of primitive roots of unity. Decoding cyclic codes.
Week 5Week 6Ch. 5: Cryptology, § 21 (Classical Cryptosystems). The idea of encryption. The cipher that cost Cæsar a battle, with a generalization or ten (affine modular, Vigenère, one-time pads, matrix methods such as the Hill cipher, and permutation polynomials). Dangers and disadvantages of classical encryption.
Week 6Ch. 5: Cryptology, § 22 (Public Key Cryptosystems).
Week 7Ch. 5: Cryptology, § 23 (Discrete Logarithms and Other Ciphers).
Test 1
Week 8Hackenbush The basic relationship between finite games and finite numbers. Positive, negative, and rational numbers.
Week 9Nim Impartial games, *-games, subtraction games.
Week 10Ideal Nim Infinite games, and infinite numbers.
Test 2
Week 11Computational algebra, pt. 1 Fraction-free determinant computation. Gaussian elimination, Bareiss' method, Dodgson's Method, Leggett's Method.
Week 12Computational algebra, pt. 2 Division-free determinant computation. Black box methods.
Week 13Computational algebra, pt. 3 Gröbner bases. The Macaulay matrix. Traditional methods to compute Gröbner bases.
Week 14Computational algebra, pt. 4 Gröbner bases. Signature-based methods. Dynamic algorithms.
Test 3
Week 15 - untilStudent presentations