Matheology: If God is infinite, how can anything else exist?

I’m not really happy with this, but I’ve been working on it on and off for about a year and a half now. I’ve decided to solve the worst problems by breaking it into three parts, which will hopefully make it less a failure than it seems, and in any case easier to improve later.

the mind’s road to God? the mind’s road to God? In The Mind’s Road to God, St. Bonaventure explains how the created world reflects its Creator, and these reflections help us lift our minds to Him. I’ve sometimes found certain mathematical truths to inspire similar reflection. Here’s one example.

A quarter century ago, when the internet seemed new, I hung out on some usenet lists. One day, an atheist posed, with as straight a face as one might perceive muster online,I write this because some other atheists called him a troll. I don’t doubt them; he gave plenty of reasons for the reader to conclude this. In any case, I’m not interested in building a strawman of atheism, but rather to illustrate St. Bonaventure’s point. the question,
If God is infinite, how can anything else exist?
Where would there even be room for anything else?
The answer, of course, is that God is immaterial, and an infinite immaterial thing does not take up “space”. We can illustrate this via numbers, which are themselves immaterial.

This argument does not require you to believe that numbers exist, by the way; I myself don’t believe that numbers exist in and of themselves, not in a material sense, anyway. To put it as briefly as possible: nouns exist in and of themselves; adjectives do not. You will not find a “red” in the world; you find red things. In the same way, numbers are not nouns; they are adjectives: you will not find a “two” in the world; you find two things.

To elaborate on this somewhat: mathematics is a language we use to describe real things. Mathematics is internally consistent; that is, it is logically perfectly accurate when describing itself, but the moment you turn it loose on the real world, things no longer work. As an example, find me a truly perfect circle in the material world: you cannot. There will always be some sort of imperfection. The imamterial mathematical models we construct for real-world phenomena (e.g., Physics) are true in that they are logically consistent, and beautiful in how well they model the phenomena, but almost always they are ultimately wrong, if only slightly, leading to occasional revision.
it merely illustrates the point that multiple infinite objects can coexist, overlap, etc, precisely because they are immaterial.

Second question

What are the different kinds of numbers?
Mathematicians work with sets of numbers. The definition of a “set” is a little hard to get right (one reason that multiple set theories exist) but you can think of it as a way of identifying numbers.

We’re interested in two particular sets of numbers: rational and irrational.

Numbers I have ❤️‍🩹’d

Let’s review some familiar sets. We can now describe rational and irrational numbers.

How the major sets of numbers relate to each other

Notice that A “technical” way of writing this is
ℕ ⊊ ℤ ⊊ ℚ ⊊ ℝ.
That is shorthand for saying, “ℕ is ‘contained’ in ℤ, but not equal to it; ℤ is ‘contained’ in ℚ, but not equal to it; and ℚ is ‘contained’ in ℝ, but not equal to it.”

Back to the question

Our question was,
If God is infinite, how can anything else exist?
Where would there even be room for anything else?
We can answer in the following way:
At least two, mutually exclusive sets of infinite numbers exist: the rational numbers and the irrational numbers.

Hence, infinite immaterial things exist without preventing the existence of other things.

In the same way, the immaterial God’s infinity does nothing to prevent the existence of material creatures… even if they were infinite.