C++ type promotion carelessness

The third in a possibly never-ending series of reflections on what makes C++ a terrible choice for programming.

i C++ what you did there&hellip ; i C++ what you did there…

The problem

We recently lost several hours at work trying to figure out the cause of a problem where a client who works primarily in C++ was using our C++ bridge to link to our Rust library but getting unexpected results.

I knew the code well enough to recognize that the unexpected results were entirely expected when you were testing certain functionality. That led me to believe that he was calling the wrong constructor, and passing an argument meant to test said functionality.

Except he wasn’t, or at least, not on purpose. Here’s an abstraction of our API:
const bool TESTING = true;

class A {

   A(bool = false);   // false initializes w/a default value;
                      // true gives you testing mode

   A(string);         // initializes with a custom value

Here’s how he was calling the code:
A a("test value");
He’s passing a string, right? So he should end up in the second constructor, right?


While he’s passing a string, he’s not passing a string. The different typeface, if you can perceive it, means that he’s not passing the C++ string type.

Why not? C++’s designers strive for compatibility with C whenever possible, even when that defies common sense.

In this instance, the C language considers the string "test value" to be of type const char *, which for the mere mortals reading this, means “an unchangeable pointer to characters.” So C++ looks at it that way, too, even though it has a “native” string type.

There’s nothing inherently bad about that, but the API above lacks a constructor that accepts the type const char * as an argument. To handle this, a language has essentially three options at compile-time:
  1. Consider it an error.
  2. Promote/convert/whatever the supplied data to a sensible type.
  3. Promote/convert/whatever the supplied data to a type that makes no sense except as a very limited hack for progammer convenience.
The designers of C did not include a proper type for strings,They couldn’t be bothered even to include a proper type for arrays, which is why you get an unchangeable pointer to characters instead of an unchangeable array of characters, the way you would in a sanely-designed language like Pascal, Modula-2, , Rust, … so they were left with options 1 and 3.

Naturally, they chose option 3: the compiler promotes/converts/whatevers anything of type const char * to bool, automatically, even though that makes no sense at all at any level other than hey, it saves the programmer a few keystrokes.

To wit, the way a C programmer decides if a string is empty is by testing whether its first character is the null character, typically denoted \0. In the logic of C, where everything is an integer, Worse, this automatic conversion is considered a language feature, not an oversight, let alone a flaw, so like all C promotions/conversions/whatevers it happens silently and automatically. You don’t even get a compiler warning about it, because… well, why would you? It’s a language feature, after all, so why would you care if you were possibly, inadvertently, introducing a bug that has, over the last few decades, been one of the many sources of security exploits, never mind programmer confusion while debugging?

And since C++ mindlessly follows C’s design decisions whenever possible, our client was calling the first constructor without realizing it.

And despite being a long-time C++ developer, even he required a couple of hours to work out the problem. It likely would have taken him longer, had I not had the insight that he was inadvertently calling the wrong constructor.

Unsurprisingly, it follows one of the primary C++ design criteria,
You pay for what you forget you use. Dearly.