Ada, SPARK, and Mathematics
It’s back!
I wrote a while back about
completing a programming
competition with the programming language Ada.
I’ve also been interested in
SPARK, a dialect of Ada where
the compiler can prove a program’s formal correctness.
Much of the 2014 revision of SPARK is based on
Design by Contract (DbC),
a programming methodology first described by
Bertrand Meyer,
designer of the
programming language.
Eiffel and Design by Contract
In fact, Eiffel was an earlier love of mine.
When I got stuck on my PhD dissertation, I wrote an Eiffel program
to explore the problems I was studying,
and it was while studying one of its outputs
that I discovered an unexpected phenomenon that led to my first paper
(and, thus, my PhD).
That was back when the SmallEiffel / SmartEiffel was a going thing;
alas, its main developers abandoned it,
and for various reasons I decided to switch to Python and C++,
depending on need.
Design by Contract?
In Eiffel, the idea of DbC is that a feature specifies
not only its inputs and output,
but also
certain “contracts” on said inputs and output.
We see some limited examples of this in more popular programming languages
such as Java, Kotlin, and Rust, where the programmer can “decorate”
a function’s parameter as
This is a kind of contract, where the client can use the function
not only if he passes in the correct reference type,
but also
if that reference is not null. It’s a
requirement on the input.
Eiffel made this sort of thing more explicit
and more enforceable
by introducing the keywords
requires and
✝(There were others,
including invariant,
but I don’t want to get too carried away.
In the following Eiffel program excerpt, a client can use the feature
A only when the parameters are positive.
In return,
A “promises” that its result
will also be positive.
feature { ANY }
a > 0 and then b > 0
Result > 0
Eiffel has a lot of other nice features, as well, such as provable null safety
(“void safety” in Eiffel terminology).
I’m reasonably sure that Eiffel had this before Rust came along,
but Eiffel doesn’t receive as much attention as Rust.
Two drawbacks
One drawback is that Eiffel checks contracts at run-time,
rather than compile-time.
The methodology is to run a “debug version” of the system
which checks contracts, allowing the development team to find errors.
The violation of contracts is a
huge help to determining where problems
Once the team feels confident that it has worked out the problems,
it can release a version with contracts disabled,
but the “debug” version will remain very slow
as contracts are checked. If I recall correctly, the testers can refine this,
enabling and disabling contracts in different parts of the code,
which may mitigate this somewhat.
A second drawback is that Eiffel is a “pure”
object-oriented language which requires a lot of boilerplate code.
Every program must be defined as a class of some sort.
Not only Eiffel!
The idea and elegance of DbC remained impressed on my mind,
so when I discovered Ada 2012 a few years back, I was delighted to find
that they had added contracts to the language.
I’m aware that some other languages also offer
some support for DbC,
and I’ve experimented with Kotlin’s implementation,
but it isn&srquo;t as nice as Eiffel’s or Ada’s,
and nowhere near SPARK’s.
Rather notably, Rust, the current “hot” language
for “safe and secure programming”, does not implement DbC natively.
A crate exists
to add on this functionality, but the crate’s implementation is similar
to Eiffel’s, in that it explicitly states that contracts are
checked at compile-time.
SPARK’s implementation
In principle, Ada could imitate Eiffel and check contracts at runtime
on a “debug” build.
I’m not sure it does that,
since I haven’t yet gotten around to checking.
I’ve been too fascinated with the possibilities offered by SPARK.
A distinctive feature of SPARK’s implementation of DbC,
as opposed to Eiffel’s implementation, is that
The checker can prove a program satisfies contracts at compile-time,
or, if not,
indicate where such a proof falters!
It seems that SPARK does not have a “compiler”
in the traditional sense.
SPARK has a proof checker; you run a separate program on your code
to check that the specified contracts are specified.
When if the proof checker signs off on the code,
you don’t yet have an executable.
To compile SPARK code, one uses the usual Ada compiler.
I ran the examples below using AdaCore’s “GPS”,
an Ada-capable IDE that also works with other languages, such as C++.
It’s relatively to call the proof checker and set its options that way.
It’s also possible to use the command line:
gnatprove will run the proof checker,
gnatmake will build an executable.
I’ll spare the reader the details of project files,
which lie beyond the scope of this article.
Here’s an extract of a work-in-progress Ada package that specifies
monomial arithemetic via a
package (in Ada jargon).
It does not implement most features, though; most require a
package body).
Is_Divisible is a simple enough function
that we can demonstrate “inline implementation”
of “expression functions”.
(I think I have the Ada jargon correct there.)
package Monomials with SPARK_Mode => On is
type Exponent_Vector is array (Natural range <>) of Natural;
type Monomial (Number_of_Variables: Positive) is record
Exp: Exponent_Vector(1..Number_of_Variables);
Is_Initialized: Boolean;
end record;
type Term (Number_Of_Variables: Positive) is record
Coeff: Natural;
Mon: Monomial(Number_Of_Variables);
end record;
procedure Init(T: out Monomial; A: in Exponent_Vector) with
Relaxed_Initialization => T,
Pre => (
A'First = 1 and A'First <= A'Last and A'Last = T.Number_of_Variables
Post => (
T.Is_Initialized and then T'Initialized and then A = T.Exp
procedure Set_Exponent(T: in out Monomial; I: in Positive; To: Natural) with
Pre => I <= T.Number_Of_Variables,
Post => T.Exp(I) = To;
function Is_Divisible(First, Second: in Monomial) return Boolean
is ( for all I in Second.Exp'Range => First.Exp(I) >= Second.Exp(I) )
with Pre => (
First.Is_Initialized and then Second.Is_Initialized and then
First.Exp'First = Second.Exp'First and then
First.Exp'Last = Second.Exp'Last
Post => (
Is_Divisible'Result =
for all I in 1..Second.Number_Of_Variables =>
First.Exp(I) >= Second.Exp(I)
function "/" (Num: in Monomial; Den: in Monomial) return Monomial with
Pre => (
Num.Is_Initialized and then Den.Is_Initialized and then
Num.Exp'First = Den.Exp'First and then
Num.Exp'Last = Den.Exp'Last and then
Is_Divisible( Num, Den )
Post => (
"/"'Result.Exp'Last = Num.Exp'Last and then
"/"'Result.Number_Of_Variables = Num.Number_Of_Variables and then
( for all I in 1..Den.Number_Of_Variables =>
"/"'Result.Exp(I) = Num.Exp(I) - Den.Exp(I) )
procedure Divide_By(T: in out Monomial; U: in Monomial) with
Pre => (
T.Is_Initialized and then U.Is_Initialized and then
T.Number_Of_Variables = U.Number_Of_Variables and then
T.Exp'First <= T.Exp'Last and then
Is_Divisible(T, U)
Post => (
T.Number_Of_Variables = T'Old.Number_Of_Variables and then
( for all I in 1..T.Number_Of_Variables =>
T.Exp(I) = T'Old.Exp(I) - U.Exp(I) )
procedure Put(T: in Monomial);
end Monomials;
The full package has a lot more, but already you can see
a few interesting points of Ada and SPARK.
- Ada allows the programmer to turn SPARK on and off.
- Ada requires the programmer to be very specific about types:
- it does not usually convert automatically from one type to another,
only from subtypes to supertypes, like Natural
to Integer, and
- type compatibility is nominal (by name)
rather than structural (by the type’s structure).
- Arrays don’t have to start at 0.
- Ada allows the programmer to specify the start and end of every array,
which is much more convenient than most other languages.
It allows indexing to be appropriate for the problem,
rather than convenient for the compiler.
- Ada programmers can index array by enumerations as well as integers.
I’ve found this to be very useful in many situations,
though here it isn’t terribly helpful.
- Preconditions and postconditions can be highly non-trivial,
but can also be expressed rather “naturally”.
Most of the postconditions above contain a
for all expression
which verifies everything in the specified range.
I had quite a bit of trouble getting the contracts to pass muster on
Is_Divisible, if I recall correctly.
I think I had originally stated simply that
First’s number of variables had to equal
Second’s number of variables,
but the proof checker would fail.
Let’s look at that function again.
function Is_Divisible(First, Second: in Monomial) return Boolean
is ( for all I in Second.Exp'Range => First.Exp(I) >= Second.Exp(I) )
with Pre => (
First.Is_Initialized and then Second.Is_Initialized and then
First.Exp'First = Second.Exp'First and then
First.Exp'Last = Second.Exp'Last
Post => (
Is_Divisible'Result =
for all I in 1..Second.Number_Of_Variables =>
First.Exp(I) >= Second.Exp(I)
Remember that arrays can start and end anywhere.
The function’s implementation loops
Second’s exponents,
and checks whether
First’s exponent
of the same index is no smaller than
needed to fail, because if
Second started and ended in different locations,
that loop would have gone outside
First’s range.
In short, SPARK saved my bacon here.
Most other languages would not!
Using it
Here’s a short program I wrote to test the code.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Monomials; use Monomials;
procedure Main with SPARK_Mode => On is
O: constant Weight_Vector := Grevlex(5);
T, U: Monomial(5);
V : Monomial := (
Is_Initialized => True,
Number_Of_Variables => 5,
Exp => ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
A: constant Exponent_Vector(1..5) := ( 1, 2, 3, 1, 0);
B: constant Exponent_Vector(1..5) := ( 1 => 1, others => 0 );
Init(T, A);
Init(U, B);
if ( for all I in T.Exp'Range => Natural'Last - U.Exp(I) >= T.Exp(I) ) then
V := T * U;
end if;
Put(V); New_Line;
if Is_Divisible(T, U) then Put( T / U );
else Put(T); Put(" is not divisible by "); Put(U); New_Line(1);
end if;
Put(V); Put(" = "); Put(T); Put(" * "); Put(U); Put("? ");
end Main;
Suppose I comment out the first few lines, where I initialize
T and
and skip directly to testing if
T is divisible by
The proof checker will fail with several errors,
the most interesting for my purposes being the following:
rr:cc medium: precondition might fail
cannot prove First.Is_Initialized
SPARK detects that the program has failed to satisfy a precondition.
Sloppy initialization has been a frequent source of bugs
in just about any language, at least for me.
Won’t other solutions handle this problem?
You might wonder if information hiding and constructors suffice.
It’s true that I have exposed my types’ components.
I could in fact make them
and with the requirement of default construction
that most object-oriented languages impose
— as well as many
non-object-oriented languages —
that would have eliminated this particular error.
So, sure, DbC is not strictly necessary for this case.
But that’s an ad hoc solution to a particular instance
of the larger problem, which is that developers often don’t think about
a subprogram’s requirements,
especially subtle cases easily forgotten.
(Is that pointer
null? could it be dangling?
Is that integer you’re about to divide by zero?)
In many cases,
developers may not even know the the requirements!
I’ve seen far too many examples of poorly documented,
non-documented code, to imagine that we don’t need DbC.
As far as I can tell, SPARK has the best implementation of DbC, hands down.
I concede that a programmer unlikely to document code
is unlikely to write good contracts for the code.
However, if
I write contracts, and if the build system can check them,
then even a bad programmer will have to respect them.
It works for generics, too!
Here’s another example of contracts, this time illustrating
how they can handle contracts.
The two packages listed specify, then implement the Euclidean algorithm.
Notice how preconditions and postconditions appear
only in the specification of
We do not repeat them in the implementation.
type Ring_Element is private;
with function "=" ( Left, Right: Ring_Element ) return Boolean is <>;
with function "rem" ( Dividend, Divisor: Ring_Element )
return Ring_Element is <>;
Zero: Ring_Element;
package Euclidean is
function Gcd(A, B: Ring_Element) return Ring_Element
Pre => ( A /= Zero and B /= Zero ),
Post => ( Gcd'Result /= Zero )
end Euclidean;
package body euclidean is
function Gcd(A, B: Ring_Element) return Ring_Element
M: Ring_Element := A;
N: Ring_Element := B;
while N /= Zero loop
declare R: Ring_Element := M rem N;
M := N;
N := R;
end loop;
return M;
end Gcd;
end euclidean;
Here’s an example program that imports our Euclidean package,
with’s it in
Ada jargon), instantiates a concrete version of the generic,
then uses it to compute the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
with Euclidean;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main
with SPARK_Mode => On
package IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO ( Num => Integer );
package Euclidean_ZZ is new Euclidean
Ring_Element => Integer,
Zero => 0
IO.Put( Euclidean_ZZ.Gcd( -24, -16 ) );
end Main;
If I un-comment the line
IO.Put( Euclidean_ZZ.Gcd( -24, 0 ) );
the checker will fail.
From my perspective as a mathematician and programmer who has often struggled
to debug code,
that is immensely useful.
It took me a while to figure out how to phrase the pre- and postconditions
in such a way that SPARK could prove correctness, which might seem odd,
since they look relatively straightforward (and obvious, to someone familiar
with the material).
The difficulty is that I wanted to do this for a generic type,
rather than simply for the integers,
and the error messages did not make it clear to me how I should specify
the generic parameters.
It’s true that the Euclidean algorithm is not a good candidate for this;
even if the parameters are both zero,
the algorithm I’ve given will terminately correctly even when they are.
I have also implemented a package for monomial arithmetic that uses contracts
to check for correctness, but that’s a bit too long to copy here.
The fine print
There are some drawbacks to SPARK.
First, it’s not Ada; it’s a
dialect of Ada.
Some things are disallowed.
That hasn’t been a practical problem for me yet,
but I haven’t been working with SPARK long, or much.
Second, writing good contracts is
I’m reasonably good with logic, but
figuring out how to phrase my assumptions in language SPARK understands
is not always easy.
Third, SPARK is not a smart as I’d like it to be;
if you look at the monomial-testing program above, you’ll notice that
I had to wrap a call to the product of two monomials in an
if statement.
Technically SPARK
could figure this out; after all, the values of
T’s and
exponents are known at compile-time.
I get the reason for this
in general; to prove the preconditions
for an arbitrary monomial, I have wrap the product inside a check.
Sure, failing to do that is indeed problematic and a source of bugs
that, for instance, I myself have encountered before.
But it’s still not strictly necessary here,
and I wish the prover could have determined that.
Nevertheless, getting past the obstacles has made me enjoy working with SPARK,
and as the community (or at least AdaCore)
continues to develop it actively,
SPARK could be useful for mathematics,
especially in a world where mathematicians sometimes express concern
that it is difficult to ascertain the correctness of a computer algebra system.