Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio, umile e alta piú che creatura, termine fisso d’eterno consiglio, |
Virgin mother, daughter of your son, humbler, yet higher than any creature, fixed point of the eternal plan, |
tu se’ colei che l’umana natura nobilitasti sí, che ’l suo fattore non disdegnó di farsi sua fattura |
you are she who so ennobled human nature, that its fashioner disdained not to fashion himself of its fashion. |
Nel ventre tuo si raccese l’amore per lo cui caldo ne l’eterna pace cosí é germinato questo fiore. |
In your womb was rekindled the love through whose radiance in the eternal peace sprouted this flower. |
Qui se’ a noi meridíana face di caritate, e giuso, intra i mortali, se’ di speranza fontana vivace. |
Here [in paradise] you are to us the face of charity, and down among the mortals you are the fountain of living hope. |
Donna, se’ tanto grande e tanto vali, che qual vuol grazia ed a te non ricorre, sua disíanza vuol volar sanz’ali. |
Woman, you are so grand and worth so much, that whoso desires grace and runs not to you has a desire that desires to fly without wings. |
La tua benignitá non pur soccorre a chi domanda, ma molte fíate, liberamente al dimandar precorre. |
Your benignity not only aids whoever asks, but freely anticipates and gives breath to the petitioner. |
In te misericordia, in te pietate, in te magnificenza, in te s’aduna quantunque in creatura é di bontate. |
In you mercy, in you piety, in you magnificence, in you come together whatever is good in creation. |