Qui dicéris Paráclitus, Altíssimi donum Dei, Fons vivus, ignis, cáritas, Et spiritális únctio. |
You are called the Paraclete, Gift of God Most High, Living font, fire, charity, And spiritual anointing. |
Tu septifórmis múnere, Dígitus Patérnæ déxteræ Tu rite promíssum Patris, Sermóne ditans gúttura. |
You the sevenfold gift Finger of the Father’s right hand, You, duly promised of the Father, enriching the speech from our throats. |
Accénde lumen sénsibus, Infúnde amórem córdibus, Infírma nostri córporis Virtúte firmans pérpeti. |
Enkindle a light for our senses, Pour love into our hearts, Strengthening with lasting excellence our bodie’ wounds. |
Hostem repéllas lóngius, Pacémque dones prótinus: Ductóre sic te prævio, Vitémus omne nóxium. |
May you drive the enemy far away, and grant peace at once: with you leading us as our commander, may we avoid any guilt. |
Per te sciámus da Patrem, Noscámus atque Fílium, Teque utriúsque Spíritum Credámus omni témpore. |
May we come to know the Father through You, and may we also recognize the Son, and may we believe in you, O Spirit, no matter what, at every moment. |
Deo Patri sit glória, Et Fílio, qui a mórtuis Surréxit, ac Paráclito, In sæculórum sǽcula. Amen. |
Glory to God the Father, and to the Son, who has risen from the dead, and to the Spirit, for ages of ages. Amen. |