Summi largitor præmii

  1. Nostra te consciéntia
    Grave offendísse monstrat:
    Quam emúndes, supplicámus,
    Ab ómnibus piáculis.

  2. Si rénuis, qui tríbuet?
    Indúlge, quia potens es.
    Te corde rogáre mundo
    Fac nos, precámur, Dómine.

  3. Ergo nunc accépta nostrum
    Qui sacrásti jejúnium:
    Quo mystice Paschália
    Capiámus sacraménta.

  4. Summa nobis hoc cónferat
    In Déitate Trínitas,
    In qua gloriátur unus
    Per cuncta sæcula Deus. Amen.

— Antiphonarium Juxta Ritum
Sacri Ordinis Prædicatorum (1862)

  1. Our conscience shows
    that you are gravely offended:
    how much you might clean, we implore,
    from all crimes.

  2. If you reject this, who will bestow it?
    Indulge us, for you are capable.
    Grant, we pray, O Lord,
    that we might pray with a clean heart.

  3. Therefore now accept
    our fast which you have made holy:
    by which we might mystically receive
    the sacraments of Easter.

  4. May the highest Trinity
    collect this for us in the Godhead,
    in which one God is glorified
    through all ages. Amen.

— Antiphonal according to the Rite
of the Holy Order of Preachers (1862)