- Nostra te consciéntia
Grave offendísse monstrat:
Quam emúndes, supplicámus,
Ab ómnibus piáculis.
- Si rénuis, qui tríbuet?
Indúlge, quia potens es.
Te corde rogáre mundo
Fac nos, precámur, Dómine.
- Ergo nunc accépta nostrum
Qui sacrásti jejúnium:
Quo mystice Paschália
Capiámus sacraménta.
- Summa nobis hoc cónferat
In Déitate Trínitas,
In qua gloriátur unus
Per cuncta sæcula Deus. Amen.
— Antiphonarium Juxta Ritum
Sacri Ordinis Prædicatorum (1862)
- Our conscience shows
that you are gravely offended:
how much you might clean, we implore,
from all crimes.
- If you reject this, who will bestow it?
Indulge us, for you are capable.
Grant, we pray, O Lord,
that we might pray with a clean heart.
- Therefore now accept
our fast which you have made holy:
by which we might mystically receive
the sacraments of Easter.
- May the highest Trinity
collect this for us in the Godhead,
in which one God is glorified
through all ages. Amen.
— Antiphonal according to the Rite
of the Holy Order of Preachers (1862)