Splendor paternæ gloriæ

Slower Faster

Verúsque sol, illábere
micans nitóre pérpeti,
iubárque Sancti Spíritus
infúnde nostris sénsibus.
And true sun, enter
flashing with perpetual lustre,
and radiance of the Holy Spirit
pour into our senses.
Votis vocémus et Patrem,
Patrem perénnis gloriæ,
Patrem poténtis gratiæ,
culpam reléget lúbricam.
And let us speak through
    our prayers to the Father,
Father of perennial glory,
Father of powerful grace,
may he remove deceitful fault.
Infórmet actus strénuos,
dentem retúndat ínvidi,
casus secúndet ásperos,
donet geréndi grátiam.
May he inform our deliberate behavior,
may he blunt the tooth of envy,
may he favor us in rough occasions,
may he grant us to possess grace.
Mentem gubérnet et regat
casto, fidéli córpore;
fides calóre férveat,
fraudis venéna nésciat.
Let him govern and rule the mind
with a chaste, faithful body;
may faith blaze with heat,
may it not know the poisons of deceit.
Christúsque nobis sit cibus,
potúsque noster sit fides;
læti bibámus sóbriam
ebrietátem Spíritus.
And may Christ be food for us,
and may faith be our drink;
let us drink joyfully
of the Spirit’s sober drunkenness.
Lætus dies hic tránseat;
pudor sit ut dilúculum,
fides velut merídies,
crepúsculum mens nésciat.
Let this day pass by joyfully;
may modesty be like the dawn,
faith just like the midday,
the mind might know no twilight.
Auróra cursus próvehit;
Auróra totus pródeat,
in Patre totus Fílius
et totus in Verbo Pater. Amen.
Dawn moves along its way;
may Dawn reveal everything,
the entire Son in the Father
and the entire Father in the Son. Amen.