- Tandem facésset cæcitas,
quæ nosmet in præceps diu
lapsos sinístris gréssibus
erróre traxit dévio.
- Hæc lux serénum cónferat
purósque nos præstet sibi;
nihil loquámur súbdolum,
volvámus obscúrum nihil.
- Sic tuta decúrret dies,
ne lingua mendax, ne manus
oculive peccent lúbrici,
ne noxa corpus ínquinet.
- Speculator asta désuper,
qui nos diébus ómnibus
actúsque nostros próspicit
a luce prima in vésperum.
- Deo Patri sit glória
eiúsque soli Fílio
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sæcula. Amen.
- At the same may blindness depart,
as for a long time headlong
it dragged the fallen by faithless steps
in wayward wandering.
- May this light bring serenity
and may grant us, pure, to itself;
let us speak nothing sly;
let us turn to nothing dark.
- Thus let the entire day pass,
may neither lying tongue, nor hand
with deceitful eye commit sin,
nor poisons soil the flesh.
- A watcher stands above,
who through all our days
watches us and our actions
from first light to evening’s dusk.
- Glory to God the Father
and to his only Son
with the Spirit Paraclete,
into eternal ages. Amen.