- Mirántibus mortálibus
sic te, Creátor próvide,
leges vicésque témporum
umbris dedísse et lúmini.
- Ac dum, tenébris ǽthera,
siléntio preméntibus,
vigor labórum déficit,
quies cupíta quǽritur,
- Spe nos fidéque dívites
tui beámur lúmine
Verbi, quod est a sǽculis
splendor patérnæ glóriæ.
- Est ille sol qui nésciat
ortum vel umquam vésperum;
quo terra gestit cóntegi,
quo cæli in ævum iúbilat.
- Hac nos seréna pérpetim
da luce tandem pérfrui,
cum Nato et almo Spíritu
tibi novántes cántica. Amen.
- Thus, providential Creator, have you given
to admiring mortals
laws and alternation of times
though shadows and through light.
- And what is more, the strength of our labor
grows weaker with the shadows
covering heaven with silence,
a desired quiet is sought,
- Rich with faith and hope,
we your children are blessed
by the light of the Word, which from the first age
is the splendor of the Father’s glory.
- It is this sun which will never know
sunset nor even evening;
by which the earth longs to be shielded,
by which the heavens in eternity rejoice.
- Grant us who renew our songs
by a serene light,
to enjoy fully, finally, forever
with the Incarnate one and the blessed Spirit. Amen.