Sator princépsque témporum

  1. Mentem tu casta dírige,
    obscúra ne siléntia
    ad dira cordis vúlnera
    telis patéscant ínvidi.

  2. Vacent ardóre péctora,
    faces nec ulla pérferant,
    quæ nostro hæréntes sénsui
    mentis vigórem sáucient.

  3. Præsta, Pater piíssime,
    Patríque compar Unice,
    cum Spíritu Paráclito
    regnans per omne sǽculum. Amen.
  1. Direct our mind to be chaste,
    nor let dark silence
    open the heart’s awful wounds
    with the webs of envy.

  2. Let our hearts be free from passion’s fire,
    let them bear no fiery grudge,
    which, clinging to our senses,
    may wound the mind’s vigor.

  3. Grant this, most blessed Father,
    and Sole-Begotten, equal to the Father,
    with the Spirit Paraclete
    reigning through every age. Amen.