Magni triúmphum prœlii, mundi perémpto príncipe, Patris præséntans vúltibus victrícis carnis glóriam. |
Displaying before the Father the triumph of a great battle where the world’s ruler was destroyed, the glory of conquering flesh. |
In nube fertur lúcida et spem facit credéntibus, iam paradísum réserans quem protoplásti cláuserant. |
Carried up on a shining cloud he gives hope to the faithful, now rising to that paradise which our first parents had closed. |
O grande cunctis gáudium, quod partus nostræ Vírginis, post sputa, flagra, post crucem patérnæ sedi iúngitur. |
O great joy of all, to whom our Virgin gave birth, after being spat on, scourged, crucified, he is now joined to the Father’s throne. |
Agámus ergo grátias nostræ salútis víndici, nostrum quod corpus véxerit sublíme ad cæli régiam. |
Thus let us give thanks to the protector of our salvation, who has given life to our own body exalting it in heaven’s court. |
Sit nobis cum cæléstibus commúne manens gáudium: illis, quod semet óbtulit, nobis, quod se non ábstulit. |
Let us be with those in heaven abiding in common joy: to them, that he bestows himself, to us, that he has not withdrawn. |
Nunc, Christe, scandens ǽthera ad te cor nostrum súbleva, tuum Patrísque Spíritum emíttens nobis cǽlitus. Amen. |
Raise now our hearts to you, O Christ, as you climb into the ether, and by your divinity send us the Spirit that is yours and the Father’s. Amen. |