- O lumen flammæ æternæ
per quem nos Patrem vídimus,
ardórem Spíritus Sancti
ut tu mittas exorámus.
- Nam sussúrum audiéntes,
nostros levámus óculos
ut mite manu extérges
lácrimas contriti&oacite;nis.
- Quia nos nostra peccáta
sicut lignam siccam urent;
convértere no adjúva
ad calórem recreántem.
- Mentes illúmina nostras
viam rectam elígere,
et veram pulchritúdinem
et quærere et amære.
- Cum scriptúræ recitatæ
vocem tuam audiámus
vocántem ad puritátem
quem Evangélio doces.
- Præsta, o panis cælórum
intercédens nunc ad Patrem,
pro nobis commovéris
a Spíritu Paráclito. Amen.
— Anonymous |
- O light of the eternal flame
through whom we see the Father,
we ask that you send
the flame of the Holy Spirit.
- For hearing the whisper,
we raise our eyes
so that your gentle hand
might wipe away contrition’s tears.
- For our sins consume us
as fire burns dry wood;
help us turn
to your cooling warmth.
- Illuminate our minds
to choose the right path,
and both to seek and to love
true beauty.
- When the Scriptures are read
may we hear your voice
calling us to the purity
that you teach in the Gospel.
- Grant this, O bread of heaven,
now interceding with the Father
for us whom you set in motion
by the Holy Spirit. Amen.
— Anonymous |