- Qui mane iunctum vésperi
diem vocári præcipis:
tætrum chaos illábitur;
audi preces cum flétibus.
- Ne mens graváta crímine
vitæ sit exsul múnere,
dum nil perénne cógitat
seséque culpis ílligat.
- Cælorum pulset íntimum,
vitále tollat prǽmium;
vitémus omne noxium,
purgémus omne péssimum.
- Præsta, Pater piísime,
Patríque compar Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sǽculum. Amen.
— Liber Hymnarius |
- You decreed that the junction
of morning and evening be called day;
the chaos of darkness sinks down;
hear our tearful prayers.
- May our minds, weighed down by grievous accusations,
not wander from life’s reward,
while thinking of nothing eternal
but preferring to cling to our faults.
- May they knock on heaven’s innermost gate,
may they take up life’s reward;
may we shun everything harmful,
may we purify ourselves of everything evil.
- Grant this, most tender Father,
and Sole-begotten, equal to the Father,
ruling with the Holy Spirit
through every age. Amen.
— Hymnbook of the Abbey of Solesmes |