- Firmans locum cæléstibus,
simúlque terræ rívulis,
ut unda flammas témperet,
terræ solum ne díssipet:
- Infúnde nunc, piíssime,
donum perénnis grátiæ
fraudis novæ ne cásibus
nos error átterat vetus.
- Lucem fides invéniat,
sic lúminis iubar ferat;
hæc vana cuncta térreat,
hanc falsa nulla cómprimat.
- Præsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sæculum. Amen.
- Appointing a boundary for the heavens
and likewise for earth’s streams,
so that waves might temper the flames,
and the sun might not dissipate the earth’s waters:
- Now pour forth, most tender God,
the gift of perennial grace,
so that the old error might not weaken us
with occasions for new deception.
- May faith find light,
so that the splendor of light might lead;
may it deter all these vanities,
let none of this falsehood hold us back
- Grant this, most blessed Father,
and Son equal to the Father,
reigning with the Spirit Paraclete
through every age. Amen.