- Per quem creátor ómnium
diem noctémque cóndidit,
æterna lege sánciens
ut semper succédant sibi.
- Tu vera lux fidélium,
quem lex vetérna non tenet,
noctis nec ortu súccidens,
ætérno fulgens lúmine.
- Præsta, Pater ingénite,
totum ducámus iúgiter
Christo placéntes hunc diem
Sancto repléti Spíritu. Amen.
- Through him the creator of all things
made both night and day,
consecrating by an eternal law
that each follow the other.
- You are the true light of the faithful,
whom the old law cannot restrain,
shining with an eternal light
that follows neither night nor dusk.
- Grant, Father unbegotten,
that we might continually lead
this entire day pleasing to Christ
filled with the Holy Spirit. Amen.