- Iam sol urgénte véspero
occásum suum gráditur,
mundum conclúdens ténebris,
suum obsérvans órdinem.
- Tu vero, excélse Dómine,
precántes tuos fámulos
diúrno lassos ópere
ne sinas umbris ópprimi.
- Ut non fuscátis méntibus
dies abscédat sæculi,
sed tua tecti grátia
cernámus lucem prósperam.
- Præsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sæculum. Amen.
- Now as evening presses on
the sun, observing its arrangement,
steps toward the horizon,
confining the world to darkness.
- In truth, dinstinguished God,
you do not abandon your praying servants
exhausted by the day’s labors
to be oppressed by the shadows,
- So that the day of this age recedes
not with darkened minds,
but dwelling in your grace
we distinguish a favorable light.
- Grant this, most blessed Father,
and Sole-Begotten, equal to the Father,
with the Spirit Paraclete
reigning through every age. Amen.