Deus, qui cæli lumen es

Slower Faster

  1. Auróra stellas iam tegit
    rubrum sustóllens gúrgitem,
    uméctis atque flátibus
    terram baptízans róribus.

  2. Iam noctis umbra línquitur,
    polum calígo déserit,
    typúsque Christi, lúcifer
    diem sopítum súscitat.

  3. Dies diérum tu, Deus,
    lucísque lumen ipse es,
    Unum potens per ómnia,
    potens in unum Trínitas.

  4. Te nunc, Salvátor, quǽsumus
    tibíque genu fléctimus,
    Patrem cum Sancto Spíritu
    totis laudántes vócibus. Amen.
  1. Dawn now hides the stars
    lifting up a red abyss,
    and with a moist breeze
    baptizes the earth with dew.

  2. Night’s shadow is now forsaken,
    darkness deserts the heaven,
    the bearer of light, an icon of Christ
    rouses the sleepy day.

  3. O God, you are the day of all days,
    and you are light’s own light,
    the One making all things possible,
    the Trinity making possible into one.

  4. Now, Savior, we seek you
    and we bend the knee to you,
    praising with full voice
    the Father with the Holy Spirit. Amen.