- Te corda nostra sómnient,
te per sopórem séntiant,
tuámque semper glóriam
vicína luce cóncinant.
- Vitam salúbrem tríbue,
nostrum calórem réfice,
tætrum noctis calíginem
tua collústret cláritas.
- Hymnis vota persólvimus,
vespérque sacrum póscimus
nostrum delens chirógraphum
tuúmque præstans éditum.
- Præsta, Pater omnípotens,
per Iesum Christum Dóminum,
qui tecum in perpétuum
regnat cum Sancto Spíritu. Amen.
- May our hearts dream of you,
may they feel your even through sleep,
and may they ever sing your glory
with a light nearby.
- Bestow a healthy life,
refresh our energy,
and may your brilliance brighten every corner
of night's loathsome gloom.
- We fulfill our vows with hymns
and we request a holy eve,
blot out our bond
and grant your acknowledgment.
- Grant this, all-powerful Father,
through Jesus Christ the Lord,
who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
for ever. Amen.