Cum rex ille fortíssimus, mortis confráctis víribus, pede concúlcans tártara solvit caténa míseros. |
When the mighty king, treading hell underfoot, unbinds the chains of death’s broken might. |
Ille, quem clausum lápide miles custódit ácriter, triúmphis pompa nóbili victor surgit de fúnere. |
Despite a soldier’s keen watch, despite being closed in a tomb, he rises as conqueror from the grave, with the fanfare of unbelievable triumph. |
Inférni iam gemítibus solútis et dolóribus, quia surréxit Dóminus respléndens clamat ángelus. |
At the sound of hell’s wails and the scattering of sorrows a shining angel cries out that the Lord has risen. |
Esto perénne méntibus paschále, Iesu, gáudium, et nos renátos grátiæ tuis triúmphis ággrega. |
O Jesus, gladden us with perennial Paschal joy, and join us, reborn of grace, to your triumph. |
Iesu, tibi sit glória, qui morte victa prænites, cum Patre et almo Spíritu, in sempitérna sæcula. Amen. |
Glory to you, O Jesus, who with the Father and the blessed Spirit, outshine conquered death from age to age. Amen. |