Mens iam resúrgat tórpida quae sorde exstat sáucia, sidus refúlget iam novum, ut tollat omne nóxium. |
Let the numbed mind now rise which stands out wounded by filth, now a new star shines, that it might remove all poison. |
E sursum Agnus míttitur laxáre gratis débitum, omnes pro indulgéntia vocem demus cum lácrimis. |
The Lamb is sent forth from on high to loosen the debt of grace, let us all give voice with tears cry out for leniency. |
Secúndo ut cum fúlserit mundúmque horror cínxerit, non pro reátu púniat, sed nos pius tunc prótegat. |
So that, when it shines a second time and horror encloses the world, he might not punish us for our crimes, but tenderly protect us. |
Summo Parénti glória Natóque sit victória, et Flámini laus débita per sǽculorum sǽcula. Amen. |
Glory to the highest Father and victory to the Son, and due praise to the Spirit through ages of ages. Amen. |