Te nunc illústrat cǽlitus umbra fecúndi Spíritus, gestes ut Christum Dóminum, æquálem Patri Fílium. |
Heavenly light illuminates you by the shadow of the fertile Spirit, that you might carry Christ the Lord, the Son who is equal to the Father. |
Hæc est sacráti iánua templi seráta iúgiter, soli suprémo Príncipi pandens beáta límina. |
This is the sacred door that remains continuously sealed, opening its blessed threshold to the supreme Prince alone. |
Olim promíssus vátibus, natus ante lucíferum, quem Gábriel annútiat, terris descéndit Dóminus. |
One promised by the prophets, born even before the light, the Lord whom Gabriel announces descends to the earth. |
Læténtur simul ángeli, omnes exsúltent pópuli: excélsus venit húmilis salváre quod períerat. |
Let the angels now rejoice, all the peoples exult: the most high comes humbly to save that which was perishing. |
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime, tibi Patríque glória cum Spíritu Paráclito in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen. |
Glory to you and to the Father, O Christ, most tender king, with the Spirit Paraclete into eternal ages. Amen. |