Te, Catharína, máximis nunc venerámur láudibus, cunctae lumen Ecclésiae, sertis ornáta plúrimis. |
Catherine, light of the entire Church, decorated with many garlands, we now venerate you with the highest praises. |
Magnis aucta virtútibus et vita florens ínclita, húmili mente ac strénua per crucis pergis trámitem. |
Enlarged with great virtues and flowering with a celebrated life, you continue with humble and vigorous mind along the way of the cross. |
Stella vidéris pópulis salúbris pacis núntia; mores restáuras óptimos, feróces mulces ánimos. |
A star of salvation, you are seen by the peoples as a proclaimer of peace; you restore the highest morals, you charm ferocious spirits. |
Sancto compúlsa Spíritu, igníta verba lóqueris, quae lucem sapiéntiae, aestus amóris íngerunt. |
Compelled by the Holy Spirit, your words glow with passion; love's agitations bear the light of the Spirit's wisdom. |
Tuis confísos précibus, virgo dilécta Dómino, nos caritáte cóncitos fac Sponsi regna quǽrere. |
Virgin beloved by the Lord, grant us, confident in your prayers and inflamed by charity, to seek the Bridegroom's kingdom. |
Iesu, tibi sit glória, qui natus es de Vírgine, cum Patre et almo Spíritu in sémpiterna sǽcula. |
Glory to You, O Christ, Virgin-born, with the Father and the blessed Spirit into eternal ages. |