Radix Iesse iam flóruit et virga fructum édidit; fecúnda partum prótulit et virgo mater pérmanet. |
Jesse's root now flowers and his branch* brings forth fruit: a fruitful mother has given birth, and yet she remains a virgin.* |
Præsépe poni pértulit qui lucis auctor éxstitit; cum Patre cælos cóndidit, sub matre pannos índuit. |
She has brought forth the author of light, who comes forth to be lain down in the stable; with His Father he put up the stars, beneath his mother he puts on rags. |
Legem dedit qui sæculo, cuius decem præcépta sunt, dignándo factus est homo sub legis esse vínculo. |
To one age he gave the law, whose commandments are ten, thinking it worthy to be made man, to be under the bond of the law. |
Iam lux salúsque náscitur, nox díffugit, mors víncitur; veníte, gentes, crédite: Deum María prótulit. |
Now are light and salvation** born! Night is put to flight, death is conquered! Draw near, O peoples, and believe: Mary has given birth to God! |
Iesu, tibi sit glória, qui natus es de Vírgine, cum Patre et almo Spíritu, in sempitérna sæcula. Amen. — Liber Hymnarius |
O Jesus, born of the Virgin, glory be given to you, with the Father and the blessed Spirit, for ever. Amen. — Hymnbook *The English loses the Latin's play on words: